
Seven Reasons to Learn Arabic

The demand for Arabic speakers in the United States. However, knowledge of Arabic language and culture presents.

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As high school graduates across the US begin to piece together their freshman-year . Meanwhile, the need for Arabic-speaking professionals only continues to grow.

I’m not seeking to dissuade you from pursuing your top major of choice. However, rather to convince you to add Arabic training to your course of study. Also, For those interested in fields as diverse as international. Likewise, will improve your community, and your world. The time to get started is now. Reasons to Learn Arabic are important.

In conclusion, If you’re an educator, now is the time to push for more young Americans learning Arabic.

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1.) Distinguish yourself in the professional world with a high demand language

Given that less than 1 percent of US college students study Arabic just 32,000 out of 21 million total students.

In the last 15 years, US government agencies have expressed s. In other words,  to address the complex political, military. Likewise, engagement in the Middle East and North Africa.

The government is not the only employer seeking Arabic skills, however. Similarly, can be seen in the private and nonprofit sectors. Businesses seek to better understand developing markets and organizations. Meanwhile, the demand for Arabic-speaking professionals in the US exceeds the supply.

Whether conducting research, negotiating an international agreement.

However, Reasons to Learn Arabic.

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2.) Gain critical language skills useful in over 20 countries

Languages like Spanish and French allow you to work and travel in dozens of countries around the world. Also, they are also widely spoken among your peers. Other languages, like Chinese, are in high demand.

Arabic offers a blend of critical language skills and applicability in over 20 countries with roughly 300 million native speakers. Above all, You will develop the skills to live, work, and interact with a more diverse set of countries. However, allowing you room to shift focus as you progress in your career.

ِِAlso, Reasons to Learn Arabic.

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3.) Develop on-the-ground expertise in critically important countries

Few of your peers will gain international experience during their education. Also, Even fewer will experience countries like Jordan, Lebanon, or Morocco countries. Similarly, Many US organizations have critical interests.  whether that be infrastructure challenges, different business practices, or complex political relationships.

Knowledge of Arabic paired with an understanding of cultural nuances is more important than ever to successfully navigate the challenges and opportunities of the Middle East and North Africa. Relationship-building is a key skill in the Arab world. Speaking the language without speaking the culture will put you at a disadvantage.

Reasons to Learn Arabic.

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4.) Gain insights into the second-largest religion in the world.

Islam is the most widespread religion in the Arab world, and it serves as a framework through which many Arabs see the world. Through your study of Arabic, you will pick up knowledge of Islamic traditions. Also, it will allow you to become a more effective intercultural communicator and develop stronger relationships.

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5.) Encourage a greater understanding of Arab culture in the US.

In a 2010 Gallup poll, 52 percent of Arab Americans reported that they “personally experienced racial or religious discrimination in the past year,”. It’s the highest percentage of any religious or ethnic category surveyed. According to a 2014 poll, only 32 percent of Americans hold favorable views of Arabs.

By studying Arabic and learning about the culture, you will gain a deeper and more nuanced perspective of the Arabic-speaking world than the typical themes found in US mass media. As you share a more balanced perspective with your family, friends, and peers, you will encourage a greater understanding of Arab culture. Similarly, in US society and more trusting attitudes towards Arab Americans and Arabs living in the US.

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6.) Act as an ambassador for your country abroad.

Although the opinions that Arab countries have of the US are slightly more favorable than in recent years, their opinions often still lean towards the negative.

If you study Arabic abroad or work in the region, you will have daily opportunities to dispel negative misconceptions and promote a positive view of the US and American people.


7.) Study abroad through scholarship opportunities.

Students benefit from scholarship opportunities to study Arabic abroad at little or no cost.

The Critical Language Scholarship Program, Arabic Overseas Language Flagship Program, and the National Security Education Program’s Boren Awards each provide focused, immersive experiences that enable you to reach much higher levels of linguistic and cultural proficiency than is achievable through US-based study alone.

Here are Seven Reasons to Learn Arabic​.

see Seven Reasons to Learn Arabic​.

Seven Reasons to Learn Arabic​


Therefore, as a result, so, consequently. That is to say, in other words, to clarify. But, however, on the other hand. For example, for instance. Above all, most importantly, certainly. Firstly/secondly, further, and, moreover, in addition. Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after that. Likewise, similarly, in the same vein. In conclusion, to sum up, in short.

Therefore, as a result, so, consequently. That is to say, in other words, to clarify. But, however, on the other hand. For example, for instance. Above all, most importantly, certainly. Firstly/secondly, further, and, moreover, in addition. Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after that. Likewise, similarly, in the same vein. In conclusion, to sum up, in short.

Therefore, as a result, so, consequently. That is to say, in other words, to clarify. But, however, on the other hand. For example, for instance. Above all, most importantly, certainly. Firstly/secondly, further, and, moreover, in addition. Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after that. Likewise, similarly, in the same vein. In conclusion, to sum up, in short.


Therefore, as a result, so, consequently. That is to say, in other words, to clarify. But, however, on the other hand. For example, for instance. Above all, most importantly, certainly. Firstly/secondly, further, and, moreover, in addition. Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after that. Likewise, similarly, in the same vein. In conclusion, to sum up, in short.

Therefore, as a result, so, consequently. That is to say, in other words, to clarify. But, however, on the other hand. For example, for instance. Above all, most importantly, certainly. Firstly/secondly, further, and, moreover, in addition. Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after that. Likewise, similarly, in the same vein. In conclusion, to sum up, in short.


Therefore, as a result, so, consequently. That is to say, in other words, to clarify. But, however, on the other hand. For example, for instance. Above all, most importantly, certainly. Firstly/secondly, further, and, moreover, in addition. Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after that. Likewise, similarly, in the same vein. In conclusion, to sum up, in short.

Therefore, as a result, so, consequently. That is to say, in other words, to clarify. But, however, on the other hand. For example, for instance. Above all, most importantly, certainly. Firstly/secondly, further, and, moreover, in addition. Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after that. Likewise, similarly, in the same vein. In conclusion, to sum up, in short.


Therefore, as a result, so, consequently. That is to say, in other words, to clarify. But, however, on the other hand. For example, for instance. Above all, most importantly, certainly. Firstly/secondly, further, and, moreover, in addition. Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after that. Likewise, similarly, in the same vein. In conclusion, to sum up, in short.

Therefore, as a result, so, consequently. That is to say, in other words, to clarify. But, however, on the other hand. For example, for instance. Above all, most importantly, certainly. Firstly/secondly, further, and, moreover, in addition. Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after that. Likewise, similarly, in the same vein. In conclusion, to sum up, in short.

Alwasil Language Institute



Attendance is a condition of registration in the courses. Regulations are as follows:

Attendance is a condition of registration in the courses. Regulations are as follows:


Absence controls

  • 1. A warning will be given for unexcused absences totalling 10% of class hours.
  • 2. A student will be expelled if he is absent for 20% of the lectures.
  • 3. A student is not allowed to be absent for 40% of the total class hours, including excused absences.
  • 4. If a student attends 50% of the course time, he/she will receive an attendance certificate showing his/her study hours.

Advancing to the next level

A student will advance to the next level:

  • 1. If his/her total marks are more than 60%. For scores under 60% a certificate of attendance will be issued upon request.
  • 2. In the case of less than 20% unexcused absences or 40% excused absences.




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